21 Days Intermittent Fasting

Everyone who embark on the journey of IF asks this question.

“What can I have during fasting period?”

Though in literal sense fasting mostly should be done while having enough water.

That’s it??

What about having a small cookie or some coffee??

Okay let’s tackle these things one by one.


You must drink alot of water during fasting.It helps in cleansing as well as keep you full.

Deficiency of water might trigger severe hunger panga and you might break your fast due to weakness.

So drink enough water.

Coconut water

Don’t you ever dare to have it during fasting.

Yes it is healthy and contains alots of electrolytes but at the same time it has enough sugar to break your fast.

Have it during your feeding window.


A cup or two unsweetened black coffee is fine but having more than that can create trouble.

Let’s jump into science of coffee’s impact on human body.

When you consume coffee, it creates a fight or flight respose. It’s a stimulant drug, after all. Caffeine stimulates adrenalin and cortisol to be released in human body. Adrenalin causes fat stores to be released and cortisol causes glucose stores to be released into your bloodstream to give you energy. Those are the same hormones that are released during fight or flight conditions.

Having a cup or two is great but more than that might dehydrate you,may throw in hypoglycemia and makes you a volcano of anger.

Green tea:

Yes you can but decaffeinated and no sweetener .

Apple Cider Vinegar

Hell yeah..Not just help in increasing insulin sensitivity but helps your body in cleansing.

Though it is debatable but in my experience it helps immensely.

So these are some liquids you may consume and off course have as much water as possible.

You know water can be made tastier…will share how very soon.

Road To Revamp Podcast